"George H.W. Bush is one of the most heinous criminals that's ever lived on the face of the earth. Bush is the man who's been a CIA agent since his college days. ...A pagan, this guy. A member of the mystery schools. He has the appearance of a good Christian...."
- Whistleblower Bill Cooper who eventually was killed for his revelations.
"I have four uncles who were at Nuremberg, and their job was to bring Nazis to the United States.
"That's the Saturnalia, that's December 25th. It's not the birth of Christ, it's the birth of the demon Nimrod and that's the time of child sacrifice. So I don't know how you take all these Christians who think that's a high holy holiday and turn that around...."
- Dr. Juliette M. Engel who survived the Satanic, Nazi, CIA program known as MK-Ultra, speaking on The Confessionals Podcast. About the southern U.S. border she said, "This is Satanic sacrifice all the way.... Good people have to wake up and have to do more than just tolerate it...."
"The lie of the shape of our earth is the foundational building block to every other lie."
“Modern-day oil barons like Shell, BP, and Chevron forced American consumers into financial strain and ruthlessly extracted every last dime out of working and middle-class people.”
- Jordan Schreiber from Accountable.us speaking about high gas prices.
2. Covid-19 Injection vials are full of stuff that’s not supposed to be there, such as DNA
3. Diagnosis To Death - Days Or Weeks: Testicular Turbo Cancer Found In Young Athletes
7. American Pravda: The Leo Frank Case and the Origins of the ADL
An interesting account of how the ADL was formed and has sought to control American culture.
8. Does the mass media mention this?
9. Climate non-change.
10. Hope you’re ready for 3D-printed food, because like it or not, here it comes…
2. Autism and Lyme Disease are Connected, Lyme-Induced Autism Study Finds
4. Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer
Fenebendazole, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, is supposed to be an "anti-parasitic," but appears to do much more than that.
5. What has been concealed from us?
2. The ATF Expansion of the Gun Registry Turns Law-Abiding Gun Owners into Felons
3. Ron DeSantis Is A ‘Knight of Malta’
1. ‘He is an arrogant cheat’: ESPN condemned for honoring trans swimmer Lia Thomas
2. Franklin Graham Named Orphanage after Scientologist Greta Van Susteren
3. Disney defies DeSantis by hosting the world's largest corporate LGBTQ conference
4. NHL Players Who Refuse to Wear Pride Jerseys Are Facing Authoritarian Media Backlash
5. TikTok is making it VERY popular to be a traditional wife and mother again…
1. Biden admin cracks down on air conditioners as war on appliances continues
1. Who is on our side?
2. Coincidence?
1. The US Federal Reserve Explained – The Creature From Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin
2. 2020: Corporate Backers of the Blue: How Corporations Bankroll U.S. Police Foundations
We are Christians who know that our Biblical role is to watch carefully and to make every effort to not be deceived. We know that there's another side that hates ALL people – not just Christians and Jews – because all people are made in God's image. We are all works in progress, just like this email.
We do this, about once a week, because we are shocked how many good people don't know this information but need to. Knowledge is power and they are scared of you having it. Stand up!