"World War III solves a lot of issues (for the perpetrators): solves the sovereign debt crisis and solves the vaccine murder that's gone on — wipes a bunch of stuff off the map — and directs everyone's attention to a world war."
- Former BlackRock employee Edward Dowd.
"...since Roe was overturned this past spring...the claim by 140 Jewish organizations that abortion is a 'fundamental Jewish value.'"
- Outspoken writer and "canceled" former professor E. Michael Jones writing in a post about how U.S. Jewish organizations may be behind abortion...which, if true, would mean they are not on the side of the God of the Bible.
"Afterwards, I get pulled into an office, and you know [I was told] "...next time you do any commentary on Hillary Clinton, it has to get approved by the president of the network."
- Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball on Joe Rogan talking about an incident from 2014.
1. The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated
The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
4. The FBI Doubles Down on Christians and White Supremacy in 2023
5. Parents across the US outraged as more school districts approve ‘Satan Clubs’
6. The members of the Uniparty continue to out themselves.
Also: Jeb Loves DeSantis!
7. Top banker says UK will introduce a "super app" that combines digital ID and financial data
8. Study Finds Zero Loss of Antarctica Sea Ice – But BBC Spins as "New Record Low"
Here is one example – DDT:
1. It's insane that colleges still mandate vaccines
2. Vaccinated Blood is Contaminated with COVID Vaccine mRNA, Study Finds
1. Mystery surrounds death of Clinton aide linked to Epstein - where's the gun?
Do the police need the gun? The medical examiners? The prosecutors? The judges? The “Justice” Department? Or are they all simply taking orders from someone?
1. New Paper Debunks Claim That Hurricanes Are Getting Worse Due to Climate Change
2. Have you noticed that many clouds do not look natural anymore?
Here is that patent. It is not a Google patent, but is in Google Patents.
1. A horrifying report on sexual abuse in Chicago public schools sank without a trace. Why?
4. Prosecutor Suspended for Misgendering Trans Sociopath
1. Google “fundamentally started as a CIA project."
2. Another agency-funded powerhouse?
3. Cancelled PhD Professor Shows Us Who Killed JFK and Claims They Also Switched His Body Out
Remarkable proofs with video and other evidence.
4. Official Gov’t Docs Expose Michelle Obama’s 14 Year History as a Man
Alleged voter registrations. What is interesting in that video is how Barak Obama has occasionally referred to his wife as "Michael" and "Mike." Does anyone mistakenly call their wife by a man's name?
1. 2021: Federal Grants Sponsored Baby Harvesting At University Of Pittsburgh
2. 2021: The US military is poisoning communities across the US with toxic chemicals
One of the most enduring, indestructible toxic chemicals known to man – Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), which is a PFAS “forever chemical” – is being secretly incinerated next to disadvantaged communities in the United States.
We are Christians who know that our Biblical role is to watch carefully and to make every effort to not be deceived. We know that there's another side that hates ALL people – not just Christians and Jews – because all people are made in God's image. We are all works in progress, just like this email.
We do this, about once a week, because we are shocked how many good people don't know this information but need to. Knowledge is power and they are scared of you having it. Stand up!